Home Home improvement Than feed the lawn.

Than feed the lawn.

by dublindecor

When looking at the luxurious emerald carpets of a well -groomed lawn, those who did not encounter its cultivation, it seems that there is nothing complicated in this — just cut the grass and that’s it. But no! A beautiful lawn is always the result of competent labor -intensive care: timely watering, haircuts and other manipulations. Far from the lawn fertilizer is far from the last place here.

Support for the lawn fertilizers is characterized by seasonal features.The first time they “feed” the lawn in early spring (this does not apply to the just sowed lawn)-in late March and early April, immediately like the snow, even by frozen crust of ice. A combination of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus is used in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. The phosphorus and potassium components help the lawn with dignity from winter: potassium stimulates the formation of shoots, and phosphorus strengthens the roots. Nitrogen — the basis of the fertilizer of the lawn, has a high -speed effect of increasing green mass. That is why nitrogen fertilizers are applied throughout the garden season. But, in pursuit of high decorativeness, do not overdo it — nitrogen excess in the soil will loosen the roots, then the lawn can be wintering with significant losses.

Therefore, by the end of the summer, the norm of introduction of ammonium nitrate (it is it enriching the soil with nitrogen) decreases. It is worth providing nitrogen power to the lawn in May and in every summer month.

Since mid -September, it is time to prepare the lawn for the “winter hibernation”, again conducting a complex top dressing, already in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Or even increase the share of phosphorus, especially if it was not introduced in the spring — this will help the lawn to winter without losses. Not all gardeners recommend feeding the lawns with phosphorus twice a year, since it is weakly washed out of the soil, and an overabundance can harm. But potassium leaves the fertile layer quickly, it is boldly introduced 2 times a season. Often the owners of beautiful lawns, usually a problem as a bug is bothering a forest belt near a forest belt. To get rid of bugs once and for all and continue to enjoy your beautiful lawn, we recommend that you turn to professionals.

Fertilizer applied technology is simple: as a rule, the procedure is carried out after cutting with subsequent abundant watering. Granular mineral fertilizers are more convenient to scatter not manually, but with the use of sieve and other specialized devices. Or it is reasonable to use water -soluble compounds, watering the lawn with them. Uneven appliances of fertilizer and scarcity of irrigation, can lead to burns of grass with insoluble substances.

Not all gardeners are adherents of mineral fertilizers. It is quite acceptable to fertilize the lawn with organic. So phosphorus contains bone flour, deposited at the rate of 1 kg per m2. The source of nitrogen is mowed grass, including lawn, which is mulched in the soil. In addition to grass, organic compost is introduced — it is a source of nitrogen and potassium.

Without the restoration of nutrients in the soil, the lawn after a couple of seasons becomes pale, “with bald spots”, grass in it is thin, slowly growing. Therefore, timely top dressing is a mandatory procedure.

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