Home Home improvement The subtleties of laying tiles yourself

The subtleties of laying tiles yourself

by dublindecor

In order to put the tile yourself, the following tools will be required:

construction mixer;

level (ideally they need two: short and long);

putty knife;

tiles or glass cutter;



It will also be necessary to purchase materials:

grinding for seams;

tile glue;

tile wedges and crosses.

No matter where you put the tiles, but the surface must be well cleaned. After which the surface is aligned by primer. It will be best if the primer is deeply penetrating.

Then you need to start laying tiles. If you lay the entire room with tiles, then you need to start with the walls. Otherwise, the tiles laid on the floor will spoil the construction garbage obtained during the laying of tiles on the walls.

The course of work is determined as follows:

one. The mixer is kneaded to the glue to a plastic consistency, but not liquid.

2. We take the tile (on the back of the tiles, manufacturers indicate the direction of laying with arrows, all arrows should be directed in one direction on all tiles).

3. Apply glue (excess with a spatula) on the tile and apply the tile to the wall to the required place.

four. Similarly come with other tiles, while controlling the evenness of the masonry using the level.

5. Remote crosses or wedges are installed between the tiles (this procedure is necessary to prevent seam displacement).

6. Then a cut is cut (if you need a flat part, then cutting is carried out with a tile cutter or glass cutter; if you need to cut the hole in the tiles or make the edge of the tile rounded, then the grinder is resorted to the help).

7. The place where the cutting was used, it is best to cover with vials fittings.

eight. After the tile was laid, it is necessary to wait for the 2nd day so that the surface hardens and does not undergo deformation.

9. Grinding seams (first wiped from dust and dirt; then the grout is divorced and rubbed into the seams with a rubber spatula; it is given time to dry and the remaining grouts are removed with a damp sponge).

Remember! If the tile is placed on the floor (ordinary tile), then it is necessary to start from the far right angle. If tiles with a pattern, then from the middle of the floor, observing symmetry. The tile on the wall is placed from the corner of the opposite entrance. It is better to put wall tiles not from the floor, but from the profile fixed somewhere at a height of 1.5 m, set by level.

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