Home Landscaping Fire safety system of the enterprise

Fire safety system of the enterprise

by dublindecor

Any modern enterprise, which cares about the safety of its employees and equipment, should be equipped with a security system, which, depending on the list of enterprises to be solved and volume, may include a security alarm, fire safety system, access control and a video surveillance system. In any case, a fire safety and security alarm system, united into a single complex (OPS-security and fire alarm) or installed and controlled separately, serve as the foundation of the security system.

According to state standards, any enterprise should have a fire safety system, the main purpose of which is to identify a fire in the fire stage and transmit a signal to a security panel for a subsequent call of fire calculations. A more advanced and modern system — automatic fire alarm (APS) also has the ability to use fire extinguishing, smoke removal, warning and other automatic fire systems. Currently, there are a large number of companies involved in the production of fire alarm systems and their elements. The most famous among them are: Notifier Fire Systems (USA), Bosch (Germany), UTC Fire & Security, GE Security, Optex, Rubezh (Russia) and many others.

The basic elements of the fire alarm system:

The control panel monitors the condition of the sensors and loops, if necessary, it starts automation

The indication unit can be presented as an automated workplace on the basis of a computer (AWP). With its help, security can monitor the events and the current state of the elements of the fire system.

Various type detectors (sensors) are designed to detect foci of fire or smoke.

The source of the uninterrupted power supply of UPS provides continuous operation of the alarm elements in the absence of power supply.

Depending on the method of determining the place of fire, the APS is divided into analog, targeted and targeted-analogue.

Analog (non -dimensional) APS

The ignition site is determined by the fire train number. The advantages of the system are ease of installation and the low cost of system elements. The disadvantage of such systems is insufficient detection accuracy, since up to 30 detectors can be connected to one train, but for small rooms this drawback is not significant.

Sample fire safety system

Address APS

The ignition site is determined by the sensor number with an accuracy of a meter, which is indispensable for rooms with a large area. The advantages of the system are high reliability and efficiency, a smaller number of detectors per unit area compared to analog APS. Disadvantage — the high cost of system elements.

Address and analogue APS

It is the most effective system today, as it has incorporated all the best from the address and analog system, while having a distinctive feature — the decision on the current state of the object is made not by the detector, but by the control panel, which is a complex computing device. The panel online continuously interviews each sensor, processes the information received and makes on its basis a decision. The advantages of the system are the earliest detection of the fire, the possibility of self -diagnosis and verification of the detectors, saving funds due to simple installation and fewer sensors. The disadvantage is a very high cost of system elements.

Depending on the APS substances used to extinguish the fire, they are divided into:

gas extinguishing systems fire extinguishing is carried out either using CO2 or special gases

Powdered extinguishing systems are effective in extinguishing electrical installations

water extinguishing systems

Types of detectors

Detectors detect fire on several factors (temperature, smoke or carbon monoxide concentration, open flame), depending on which they are classified.

The thermal detector monitors a change in the temperature in the room and when it reaches a certain temperature threshold (threshold sensors) or too high temperature growth rate (interval sensor) sends a fire signal about a fire.

The smoke detector monitors the concentration of smoke particles in the air. The old models of such sensors had a huge drawback-a large number of false works due to dust particles or steam. Therefore, smoke detectors are not installed in smokers and rooms with a high content of dust and moisture in the air.

Flame detector works with an open fire source. Such sensors are indispensable in rooms where a rapid fire is possible (fuel and lubricants, paint and varnishes, carpentry workshops, etc. D.).

A new generation multispented detector detects a fire on all three factors, which is today the most effective way. The most famous APS based on such detectors are System Sensor, Esser and Bosch Security System.

The enterprise fire safety system should also include manual fire detectors to notify the fire by employees themselves, a fire alarm system that includes fire sirens and loudspeakers, as well as elements that help workers find the path of evacuation even with a large smoking of the premises.

The fire alarm project should be drawn up by highly qualified specialists of companies specializing in this type of services. The project includes the choice of equipment, its placement in the premises, laying the alarm loops, calculation of electricity and battery life, compilation of the required specifications. The project must be approved by the Ministry of Emergencies and is implemented by experienced installers.

Where you can choose a fire safety system and get acquainted with prices?

You can view ads for the sale of fire safety systems in the “Fire Equipment” section Induced. and in the online store of fire equipment. If you sell fire safety systems, place your information in the ads section or add products to the common online store to the site.

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