Home Plants The decoration of the pool with a liner

The decoration of the pool with a liner

by dublindecor

Finishing with a liner, which is a younger type of cladding, as well as laying tiles, can be done with your own hands. And, as well as with the classic version of the surface, it has its own “set of rules” that must be observed if you want the pool to serve you for a long time.

The first and basic rule that exists when using PVC film, as facing material, follows from its own characteristics. Since the liner is not a solid material, it just needs a good and smooth basis. The concrete frame of the pool is recommended to carefully plastered, smoothing all the bumps. The corners must be strengthened. For plastering, you can use cement putty, CPS or, more convenient — glue for tiles. Some masters prefer to mix glue for tiles with CPS, in order to save. We must pay attention to the fact that glue cement mixtures differ not only in price, but also in the rigidity and possibility of further grouting. Ideally, the glue should give a hard, slightly “glass” surface and not collapse from friction. Often for such a goal, CM-11 (or 17) Ceresite glue is used. If you need to transport the cargo transportation manager in Moscow for transporting these cargoes to contact Perevozka24.

It is worth remembering that after aligning the bowl, garbage and small particles must be removed, since they can significantly damage the future coating and lead to its quick wear.

After preparing the base to improve the stability of your PVC film, it is necessary to provide the surface with a substrate that will be able to reduce the friction of the liner about the cement base and, as a result, extend its life. When laying such a substrate, you need to try so that it is spread as smooth as possible and well covers the entire pool space.

After fixing the substrate, the line of direct laying of the liner occurs. The material you have chosen should meet the requirements such as immutability, resistance to water care, aging, algae, fungi and — ideally — ultravioletus. All these factors, of course, are reflected in the cost of the material, however, with further operation, they fully pay off.

The process of facing the PVC pool with a film is quite simple: a special profile is attached on the side of the pool around the perimeter with similar spraying, on which the film is welded (using hot air). The seams of the liner are compacted using a special sealant.

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